
Showing posts from July, 2021

Why does bigotry feel like an affront?

 Why does bigotry feel like a personal affront to me? I'm a white dude. I have a good education. I make good money. My father and mother had college degrees.I spent the first ten years of my life in North Eastern Ohio. Why then do i end up in a place where injustice angers me so? On the inside? I grew up poor. My family was on welfare. My father was mentally ill. It was controlled by drugs, but he was still not the person that my Mother had married. My memories start in married student's housing at Kent State University. My friends came from all over the world. There was Tarumi from Japan. There was Fonzi from Nigeria. There were the Greek kids a few doors down that could barely speak English. There were my friends Buddy and Glen from Hawaii. There was Brian and Joy Marcano from Venezuela. There was Jordi and his mother Royce, the woman who introduced us children to Vodun around the campfire. And then there the two weird kids from Kansas. After three and half years we moved. We...