Rose City Antifa and Project Veritas: Dissecting Propaganda

Antifa is a handy label for people who like to dress up in black and beat up fascists. Those of us who go to political protests see them from time to time. Or we see people wearing black. Usually they're in their late teens or early twenties. They're kind of jerks, but they're mostly harmless unless you're a fascist stupid enough to get agro at a rally against fascism, or if you're stupid enough to hold a right-wing rally in Berkeley.

Despite their niche existence, during the last year the right has turned them into boogiemen. Some weeks ago a Trump supporter challenged my description of them. She insisted that they were a national network with international connections.

When I challenged her to present evidence, she posted a link to a video by a group called Project Veritas:

After viewing this video, I thought the assertions were full of it, and debunking it wasn't worth my time. I came out of this exchange looking to conservative members of the chat like someone who wouldn't see the truth if it was sitting in front of my eyes. That's been irking me since then.

In the following weeks I've seen more people on the right pointing to this video.  It seems to be a  lynchpin in the belief that an organization called Antifa is out to destroy America.

If you haven't seen it, a reporter from Project Veritas joined Rose City Antifa (undercover) and then surreptitiously recorded some of their meetings. The video style is something reminiscent of hard-copy or a Geraldo Rivera special. It sets an ominous tone and the narrator uses sinister wording to build a fearful atmosphere, but once you strip that away, you're left with the following:

Video assertions
1. There is a Portland organization called Rose City Antifa (RCA)
2. RCA is part of a larger organization
3. RCA is an international organization
4. RCA is a terrorist organization

I'm going to go through each one of these assertions, list the evidence the video presents, and then evaluate the assertion in light of the presented evidence.

1. In Portland there is an organization called Rose City Antifa 
* RCA meets in a small book store.
* Project Veritas has audio recordings from RCA's meetings.
* Project Veritas names a few members.

What the evidence says
In Portland there really is an organization called Rose City Antifa. Outside of this video a long paper-trail supports this.

2. Rose City Antifa is part of a larger organization
* When people attend RCA meetings, they are required to put their phones and/or recording devices in a bag in another room.
* RCA leaders don't immediately trust new members.
* RCA meetings are well run.

What the evidence says
There is no actual evidence of a connection to any other organization. RCA has well run meetings, they don't trust new members, and they put recording devices in another room while they run meetings.

3. Rose City Antifa is an international organization
* One of RCA's founders has dual US/Swedish citizenship.

What the evidence says
By this standard Google is an Indian fifth column because CEO Sundar Pichar has dual US/Indian citizenship. This claim is a cow patty, red-herring, piece of garbage.

4. Rose City Antifa is a terrorist organization
In the video a Rose City Antifa speaker talks about...
* ...carrying brass knuckles at protests.
* ...concealing these when at protests.
* ...Rose City Antifa doing unspecified illegal things.
* ...using keys to stab at people's eyes when fighting.
* ...making sure your opponent is down for the count before you stop fighting them.

What the evidence actually says
Rose City Antifa members get into fights at protests, and when they do, they want to win.

Once you strip away the ominous video editing and melodramatic narration, this is what you're left with: In Portland there is an organization called Rose City Antifa. They're small enough to fit into a local book store, and they get into street fights at protests. 

My advice if you're afraid of Antifa: Don't act like a fascist at social justice protests. 


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