US Police Shooting Rates: African Americans vs white Americans

US Police kill African Americans at twice the rate of white Americans. There seems to be some debate around this even all the numbers are publicly available. Here's how the computation works:

We want to compare the two rates. The easiest way to do this is by comparing the ratios of African Americans shot to whites shot, and this requires only four numbers.

First you need to know how many black people and white people are killed by the police each year. The Washington Post has this information. (

The Washington Post reports that over the last five years 1351 African Americans have been shot by the police. In the same time 2597 white Americans (non-hispanic) have been shot. 

Next you need to know the two populations' representation in the total US population. Wikipedia reports that African Americans are 13.4 percent of the population, and whites (non-hispanic) are 60.1 percent of the population. (

Here's the calculation:

US police shoot African Americans 2.3 times more often than they shoot white Americans. You're more than twice as likely to be killed by police if you're black.

So you don't believe the calculation above? It can't be right? Here's the work*:

Feel free to check my work.*

*rates are in natural units of per five years.


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