We're coming for you

Biden has won. The votes remain to be counted, but there seems to be no mathematical way that Trump can win.

Some are advocating that we should show sympathy for those who voted for Trump, and I'm having a hard time with this.

On the day after Trump won a man walked up to a friend of mine on the street. In the middle of the day,  he reached out, and he grabbed her by the crotch. In the ensuing months Trump supporters attacked multiple people in my extended community. One was even killed.  And this was in San Francisco, not Texas or Mississippi.

I had friends gassed on the streets while peacefully protesting.

Trump supporters have been saying that I and my friends are the enemies of America.

I have had Trump supporters tell me that when he was re-elected that I would be prosecuted, or that people like me (liberals) should be forced to leave the country so that we understood what being an American really meant.*

I can't see a reason why we should coddle the right-wing snowflakes.

We should just get to work with our liberal agenda.

We're gonna give them a living wage; fifteen an hour minimum, indexed to inflation.

We're going to raise taxes on the rich. They benefit the most from what our society provides, so they pay the most.

We're going to make sure that the rich can't poison our streams and lakes.

We're going to make sure banks can't gamble with your retirement funds.

When your state has a disaster, we'll supply you with federal assistance, no questions asked.

When businesses screw up, we're going to let them fail. If they want a bailout, then they put their company up as collateral.  If they default, the government gets the company.

We're going to make sure you have access to medical treatment, and we're going to ensure that the treatment won't bankrupt you.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

* I have permanent German residence, so I already have a good idea of where America stands in the world.


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